$ ls model_weights.h5 # kerasで保存したファイル
$ python # ... >>> import h5py >>> model_weights = h5py.File('./model_weights.h5', 'r') >>> model_weights.keys() KeysView(<Attributes of HDF5 object at 4383104920>) # (´・ω・`)? >>> model_weights.attrs.keys() KeysView(<Attributes of HDF5 object at 4383104920>) # (´;ω;`)? >>> list(model_weights.attrs.keys()) ['layer_names', 'backend', 'keras_version'] # (`・ω・’)! >>> list(model_weights.attrs.get('layer_names')) [b'dense_1', b'activation_1', b'dropout_1', b'dense_2', b'activation_2', b'dropout_2', b'dense_3', b'activation_3'] # (`・ω・’) >>> list(model_weights.attrs.get('layer_names'))[0] b'dense_1' # (´・ω・`)? >>> # .....悩み中 >>> # !? そういえばattrs無しで試していない! >>> list(model_weights) ['activation_1', 'activation_2', 'activation_3', 'dense_1', 'dense_2', 'dense_3', 'dropout_1', 'dropout_2'] # うぉおおお!!! >>> list(model_weights)['dense'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str # (´・ω・`) >>> list(model_weights.get('dense_1')) ['dense_1'] # !? なにこれ・・・? >>> model_weights['dense_1'].keys() KeysView(<HDF5 group "/dense_1" (1 members)>) # わけわかめ >>> model_weights['dense_1'].get('dense_1') <HDF5 group "/dense_1/dense_1" (2 members)> # !? なるほど... >>> list(array.get('dense_1').keys()) ['bias:0', 'kernel:0'] >>> array.get('dense_1').get('bias:0') <HDF5 dataset "bias:0": shape (512,), type "<f4"> >>> array.get('dense_1').get('bias:0')[()] array([ -5.14987158e-04, -1.05651123e-02, -6.37231674e-03, # ... 1.46674449e-02, -1.39807556e-02], dtype=float32) # ヾ(*´∀`*)ノキャッキャ >>> np_array = array.get('dense_1').get('bias:0')[()] >>> np_array.shape (512,)
$ pip install h5py